new victoria hotel - kisumu, kisumu

simple and clean The staffs are friendly and helpful. It is only a few blocks from Lake Victoria, but I don't remember seeing the lake from the room.

Location kisumu, East Africa, Kenya, Africa
Info F 5.6 1/200 ISO 400 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi
Country Kenya State East Africa
City kisumu Weather Sunny
Continent Africa Day To Kisumu
Activity new victoria hotel Tour GAP (Great Adventure People)
Date 2007:09:19 18:08:09 Make Canon
Model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi Width 2592
Height 3888 Flash Auto, Fired
Focal 17.0 mm Exposure 1/200
F Number 5.6 ISO 400
White Bal. Auto Metering Multi-segment
Program Program AE Compensation 0
Hyperfocal 2.78 m Latitude -0.098
Longitude 34.7531666666667 Altitude 650.5324097 m
File Size 4.2 MB
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