rock python skin - nairobi snake park, snakes of kenya

Python sebae is a non-venomous python species found in subsaharan Africa. One of the world's largest species of snakes.

With adults reaching lengths of over 6 m (20 feet), this is one of the world's largest species of snakes.

They are typically brown in color, with olive green and tan irregular blotching, fading to white on the underside. At a glance they can be easily mistaken for the Burmese python, P. molurus, but the two species are not closely related.

Direction Same location as last photo
Location Nairobi, East Africa, Kenya, Africa
Info F 4.8 1/250 with Canon PowerShot A20
Country Kenya State East Africa
City Nairobi Weather Sunny
Near snake park by Yukinori Yamamura Continent Africa
Day Nairobi Day 2 Activity snake park
Date 2007:09:18 10:18:02 Make Canon
Model Canon PowerShot A20 Width 1600
Height 1200 Flash No Flash
Focal 16.2 mm Exposure 1/250
F Number 4.8 Metering Multi-segment
Compensation 0 Hyperfocal 12.01 m
Latitude -1.27483333333333 Longitude 36.815
Altitude 72.49131012 m File Size 1835 kB
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