cormorant drying wings, cormorants

After fishing, cormorants go ashore, and are frequently seen holding their wings out in the sun; it is assumed that this is to dry them. Unusually for a water bird, their feathers are not waterproofed. This may help them dive quickly, since their feathers do not retain air bubbles.

Direction Walk 28.21 km or 423 mins north west from last photo
Location Jinja, East Africa, Uganda, Africa
Info F 5.6 1/320 ISO 800 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi
Country Uganda State East Africa
City Jinja Near River Nile
Continent Africa Day Jinja
Activity source of nile Tour GAP (Great Adventure People)
Date 2007:09:23 17:21:07 Make Canon
Model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi Width 3097
Height 2323 Flash Off, Did not fire
Focal 300.0 mm Exposure 1/320
F Number 5.6 ISO 800
White Bal. Auto Program Aperture-priority AE
Compensation 0 Hyperfocal 865.65 m
Latitude 0.622016666666667 Longitude 33.0297361111111
Altitude 72.27610759 m File Size 4.9 MB
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