Story of Africa


African Travel Itinerary

Exit Nairobi

Oct 27, 2007 Sat
03:00Exit Nairobi
05:12arrive airport
05:43passed custom
06:54inside gate
Have to pass through 2 consecutive security to reach inside, plus the one outside.
Even with these kind of security, I managed to smuggle 1 liter of totally harmless water inside... The water was put in the outside pocket of my backpack. Those super observant security guards must have overlooked it.
07:35:59 a woman got very upset with security over some duty free wines... the same security who passed my innocent water without a look... her laptop seemed to be drenched in liquid... the security made lots of fuss for all the innocent looking passengers... and yet they didn't even notice my totally harmless water... never thoguht the airport security could be this dramatic.
I am wearing my last pair of clean pants and semi-clean shirt.
It marks the end of The African Tales
08:20flight to London
08:20:57 seating on seat 52k, waiting for take off
13:34 crop circles over libya
13:34 crop circles over libya
13:52 libyan desert town
14:07 libyan coastline
14:09 british airline over libyan coastline
16:21 french sky alps
near Swizerland... the other side is the Pyrannes
16:21 british airline wing over french alps
17:38 flying with clouds
17:59arrive London Heathrow
19:02on board British airway
(still using Nairobi time)
19:02:58 barley make it on time
19:12:19 waiting for take off
19:41:25 took off
19:54:31 purple clouds
04:12:12 30 minutes to landing
00:27ice over greenland
Buffin Island
02:52 airline engine
02:53 dawn light
04:34 above vancouver airport
04:42arrive Vancouver
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