day 17 de los tres south america patagonia fitz roy day 17 de los tres fitz roy invisible It's always covered in clouds (at least when I was there) Info F 8.0 1/1098 with QV-4000 kitty and home made fitz roy Fitz Roy was covered in cloud, so I created a "home made" Fitz Roy Model with snow that looks pretty like the real thing. Penguin Hello Kitty was standing in front it. Info F 8.0 1/806 with QV-4000 fitz roy ice in the morning icy morning fresh snow forest in snow trail to de los tres tiresome trail cold hike Info F 8.0 1/394 with QV-4000 approaching fitz roy as soon as I reached de Los Tres (the lake before Fitz Roy), the blizzard came. It threatens to kill all the dumb tourists who dared to venture forth. Info F 8.0 1/850 with QV-4000 rock in ice It was cold. Info F 8.0 1/556 with QV-4000 ice path It was very cold. Info F 8.0 1/1290 with QV-4000 snow lines Need to wait for the storm to subdue before I could take photos. Info F 8.0 1/1290 with QV-4000 everything is ice Didn't I mention it was extremely cold? Info F 8.0 1/998 with QV-4000 fitz roy frozen lake Info F 8.0 1/886 with QV-4000 de los tres blizzard and raging storms. It's not a place to stay long. Info F 8.0 1/1290 with QV-4000 climbers base camp mushroom goose couple glacier blanca snowy sun Info F 8.0 1/943 with QV-4000 sunset trees 11/19/02 6:10 pm � I am now sitting beside Laguna Hija in the Patagonia � windy and cold but no blizzard like yesterday. Info F 8.0 1/826 with QV-4000 plants sunset lonesome branch double infection burnt by cigarette ruca mahuida - stuffed pumkin Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus