delhi zoo

Delhi zoo is closed on Friday

Every zoo is just an animal prison. The New Delhi Zoo is a better prison than others. It is generally clean, very relaxing place to spend a full day. The entrance price is only 50 Rupees, including the map, which is an exceptionally good deal (I paid 750R for Taj Mahal and I didn't even get a f-ing piece of paper).

lion tailed macaque
banteng cattles

The distinctive horn on its snout is not a true horn. It has neither a bony core nor is it connected to the skull. It is millions of compact hair-like fibres growing from the snout. Like our nails, the horn contains keratin and continues to grow every year. If broken, it is replaced. For centuries, the rhino horn has been used to make cups, bowls, daggers, bows and arrows, decorative carvings, sword hilts, walking sticks, door handles, the list is endless. The false beliefs that the horn is an aphrodisiac have left the rhino at man's mercy.

marsh crocodiles
cap buffalo
spectacled caiman
emu like an ostrich

Emu is the largest bird of Australia, and second only to the ostrich among the world's birds. Gregarious, rapid runner and capable swimmer, the emu is flightless. It nests in open areas near trees or bushes. The female is very dominating. The roles of the sexes are reversed: the female initiates courtship behavior. Its only function after the breeding season is to lay eggs. The male on its own incubates the eggs for 58 to 63 days and protects the 7 to 12 young ones as soon as they hatch. The male can only grunt, the female utters loud, echoing booms.

great indian hornbill
long snout of gharial

Gavialis gangeticus

Long, narrow jaws with over a hundred teeth are well designed to catch fish. The gharial catches the fastest of fish by slashing its jaws in water. Once caught, the fish is tossed over its sharp, piercing teeth. The head of the fish is gulped first. Fish is the staple food of gharial. Occasionally, it also eats turtles, birds, small mammals, and is said to feed on corpses too. The peculiar snout prevents the gharial from trying for bigger animals. If a big fish does get caught then the gharial first move to shallow waters to maintain its balance. After that, it jerks its head now and then. As a result, the fish breaks into pieces.

hamadrayas baboon

Tallest living quadruped; having a spotted coat and small horns and very long neck and legs; of savannahs of tropical Africa

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