Yes, besides trains, the railway station also have pigs.
Train to Bundi (2:55pm to 5:30pm)
20/12/04 2:26 pm Waiting in the train station. Others look interestingly at what I wrote.
The Chitto train station is like all other train station. It is incredibly dirty, incredibility unorganized. Reserve a ticket from any train station other than the New Delhi station is a great hassle. Usually with long line ups, but the staffs are usually very nice and helpful.
Booking train ticket is an annoying task, and no one else seems willing to help you ease the process. Travel agents or hotel owners will sometimes book ticket for you, but they would try to avoid it if it is too tedious, in that case, motivate them with more rupees.
4/1/05 6:51 pm Shatabdi Express Express Train from Jhansi to New Delhi Time: 6:05pm to 11:35pm (delayed at least one hour) Price:585R No: 2001
It is a train with lots of food. Make sure you tell the waiter you are going to Delhi, else they won't feed you that much.