day 03 glacier martial

dry forest to the glacier
birdy in the forest
kitty and glacier road
my climbing partner
kitty on glacier overlooking ushuaia
doggy take a rest
climbers walk to the top
on the summit of glacier
glacier climbing dog
another glacier over martial
summit overlook
easy way down
look back at the glacier
doggy said goodbye to us

We returned to the town with a mini bus which showed up as we tried to walk down the slope.
I then checked the bus schedule to the surrounding areas. � lago escondido � 9:30 & 15 � aerojilla � 14-18 � estancia harberton � return 14:30-20:00 � tren del fin del mundo � 9:15-11:15 14:15 � national park � 8-12 14 16 18 20 � return 9-13 15 17 19 21 � 9 10 11 14 16:3018 � return 10 11:15 15 17:15 19

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