day 05 parque nacional part 2 south america patagonia tierra del fuego day 05 parque nacional part 2 laptia area native bread after rain frozen plant peat bog wet trail Info F 4.0 1/19 with QV-4000 beaver dam Beavers were imported into TDF during the fur trade (from Canada of course). These TDF beaver dam looks pretty similar to the dam I see here in Canada. Info F 5.6 1/88 with QV-4000 dead tress in bog wet wet trail the southern most park trail in the trees lenin tree black lago red planet sun beneath the lake red and green colorful world Info F 5.6 1/71 with QV-4000 goose couple So one was male and the other must be female. Info F 4.0 1/384 with QV-4000 horse in land of fire Horses were immigrants Info F 4.0 1/572 with QV-4000 again a rabbit again, rabbits were also immigrants. Info F 4.0 1/184 with QV-4000 2:00pm � got pick up at Camp Lago Roca