boat of puerto octay
This boat has many colors. Why? The idea is the same as the color on many male tropical birds. When the boat was painted in multi-color, it's more attractive to female boats. So the owner of this boat might end up with two boats instead of one. If the two boats bear children, the owner will have three boats. That's why he painted this boat with multi-color.
Info F 8.0 1/166 with QV-4000
heavenly light
God never answer our prayer. Perhaps you forget to insert a coin into the paid- phone? Without that, even your mom wouldn't answer you.
I'm not talking about money; I mean look close, not far. Life is a tennis ball, not a baseball. When the ball flies too far, it only misses the target. There's no home run in tennis.
Info F 8.0 1/1290 with QV-4000