downtown south america patagonia santiago downtown protest I don't know what they were protesting about. They could be teachers or nurses. The sign said something about "we were tired to wait for answer, respect". They must be pretty unhappy about something. Info F 2.8 1/189 with QV-4000 chinese store Info F 2.8 1/145 with QV-4000 cerro santa lucia Thoughts: � If you don't give pain a name, then you will forget pain from time to time. Info F 5.6 1/79 with QV-4000 villavicencio lonely dog Info F 5.6 1/203 with QV-4000 It was OK, a bit expensive. The decoration was good. cerro santa lucia Neptune flirting with a girl. Info F 8.0 1/145 with QV-4000 ex congreso nacional Info F 8.0 1/95 with QV-4000 real casa de aduana � art museum � Price: 2mp � no photo Info F 8.0 1/160 with QV-4000 tribunales de justicia palacio la alhambra diplomatica de chile ex congreso nacional catedral metropolitana catedral metropolitana inside catedral metropolitana inside art gallery some church casa manso de velasco Info F 4.0 1/344 with QV-4000 mercado central at 5:00pm � Mercado central was closed � Estation Mopahac was also closed Info F 5.6 1/181 with QV-4000 another church with no name santiago bus central mall palacio de la moneda ex-president palace, used to be the presidential resident Info F 2.8 1.6 with QV-4000 santiago metro mummies santiago metro station bad santa claus night sky of santiago sunset from a goodbye bus Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus