jardin zoologico hat.net south america patagonia santiago jardin zoologico funicular � bought ticket Funicular and zoo bundle � Price around 1.6mp Info F 4.0 1/181 with QV-4000 sheep Info F 2.8 1/96 with QV-4000 kids � zoo was full of little kids � they were more interesting than the animals Info F 4.0 1/164 with QV-4000 lunch leopard cat play monkey long arms where is my lunch i have a bread you have nothing retired monkey ganster monkey black neck swan help i am stucked what are you looking at kiss of the peacock proud peacock dove for peace flamingo elephant kangaroo kissing the grass polar bear view from santiago zoo small museum inside the zoo hedge hog monkey family turtle house llama alpaca kids from the zoo bear drinker tiger � once the tiger was took a vacation around the area Info F 4.0 1/887 with QV-4000 funicular