parque metropolitano south america patagonia santiago parque metropolitano plaza baquedano � took metro to metropolitan park at Baquedano (I was amazed that the staff at metro station actually understood my pronunciation.) � had to walked 1km to entrance Info F 8.0 1/210 with QV-4000 some church santiago from the top santiago in the smog gargoyle statue of maria christ maria � Virgin Mary's statue Info F 8.0 1/179 with QV-4000 kitty penguin in santiago � sumo man had fell off from here but was rescued by a brave Chilean teenager Info F 8.0 1/357 with QV-4000 yellow flowers not my head again Info F 8.0 1/109 with QV-4000 slit of the cable car � 1000p for cable car Info F 5.6 1/282 with QV-4000 view from teleferico Info F 5.6 1/239 with QV-4000 piscina tupahue � stopped at middle, big swimming pool, culture center has nothing to see Info F 5.6 1/467 with QV-4000 statue pedro de valdivia chilean house rio mopacho a church naked body a cow or a bull swimmer statue and lovers painting on some stones stomach after diet statue of a firework